let's CONNECT.

submit form

For media inquiries, collaboration opportunities, public speaking engagements, or any other questions, please fill out the form below. I’d love to hear from you and explore how we can work together!

frequently asked questions

I’d like to send you something - what is your address?

c/o Chauncea Carothers
324 S. Beverly Dr. #980
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

What is your skincare routine?

Pricing for services?

Please email: chauncea@chauncea.com for a comprehensive list of service fees and social media advertising rates.

Where do you currently live?

I am bicoastal. I live in the Washington, D.C. area and Los Angeles, CA.

Where can I shop your Favorite Items?

Check out my favorites on Amazon

Like It to Know It

Shop My Closet

If you could have lunch with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

Anyone who has a uncompromised and disciplined relationship with the Lord. Also, anyone has strong christian values and has created generational legacy and blessings without sacrificing their integrity, standards or family.

How do you pronounce your name?


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

The Creative Director for Teen Vogue Magazine but God had a better plan in mind, I became the Chief Creative Officer of Chauncea.com :)

Who do you admire?

Jesus Christ and My Mother.

How can I support you?

Refer me to an event you think I can add value to and feel free to tell a loved one about my services!

Find out what beauty products I am currently loving here

I love that you are a Christian! What denomination are you?

I am not affiliated with a particular denomination and I enjoy ministries from a diverse range of cultures and regions. 
I believe and follow Genesis to Revelation and thoroughly enjoy both Contemporary Christian and Gospel music.